Neurotechnical platform applied to the study and training of the cognitive activity of the chess player

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Osvaldo León-Bravo
Lazaro Antonio Bueno-Pérez
Pedro A. Valdés-Sosa
Gustavo González-García
Francisco García-Ucha
Marilyn Perdomo-Salgado


Chess is a game that demands a continuous attention activity in the solution of problems. The adequate training of the attention in the chess player through the use of psychological techniques allows a greater regulation of the perceptive precision, ability to integrate and process stimuli simultaneously, reliability of the response, reaction time and concentration. In correspondence with these individuals, the research aims to design a neurotechnological platform that allows the study and training of the cognitive activity of chess players. The neurotechnological system presented is relevant for the training of chess players in the frames of contemporary training systems. Its instrumentation allows the regulation of the cognitive component, it increases the tolerance to the attentional interference, the concentration, the spatial control of the chessboard, the attentional resistance and the speed of information processing in the solution of chess problems.


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León-Bravo, O., Bueno-Pérez, L. A., Valdés-Sosa, P. A., González-García, G., García-Ucha, F., & Perdomo-Salgado, M. (2017). Neurotechnical platform applied to the study and training of the cognitive activity of the chess player. Sport and Science, 2(2), 59–78.
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