Cognitive Flexibility and Inhibitory Control of Behavior of Artistic Junior Gymnasts

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Elizabeth Fernández Cordero
Norma Guerra Martínez
José Ezequiel Garcés Carracedo


Introduction: Artistic Gymnastics training and competition require several demands from athletes, which go beyond the psychological, as they will move through the neuropsychological and psychophysiological for optimum performance on the equipment, based on the previous learning of technical elements.
Aim: To evaluate the executive functions of cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control of behavior in junior artistic gymnastics athletes in the province of Granma, Cuba.
Materials and methods: A transversal and descriptive study was done through a quantitative research design, which took place between February and June 2022, with a population made of 15 athletes of the junior artistic gymnastics selection of the province, using the Wisconsin Sorting Cards Test (WSCT) and the cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control of behavior, respectively. Data processing was done through SPSS, 21.0, along with statistical-descriptive tests, like frequency distribution, rank-like test for dispersion, and standard deviation.
Results: The evaluation of executive functions of cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control of behavior in junior artistic gymnastics athletes in the province of Granma, Cuba allowed the authors to learn their athletes' behavior in the studied population, which showed critical executive functioning as to cognitive flexibility, particularly associated with the occurrence of incorrect responses given, and perseveration errors during the evaluation.
Conclusions: The results permitted the identification of distinctive development signs of these functions in the studied population, which caused difficulties in athlete preparedness during their development.


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How to Cite
Fernández Cordero, E., Guerra Martínez, N., & Garcés Carracedo, J. E. (2023). Cognitive Flexibility and Inhibitory Control of Behavior of Artistic Junior Gymnasts. Sport and Science, 8(2), e4394.
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