The behavior of lactatemia and heart rate during efforts with intensities of competitions in the running of the triathletes of the National Team of Cuba

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Ángel Merched López-Rojas
Alfredo Quintana
Lázaro de la Paz Arencibia
Juan Alfredo Ranzola-Ribas
Johnder Gerardo Gutiérrez-Zambrano


The research is aimed at Design a relative indicator of sports performance that provides a reference model of the world elite for the improvement of the evaluation of the sports preparation process of Cuban triathletes. In the specific case of triathlon, it is one of the sports that faces one of the biggest challenges in the evaluation of sports performance. That is why the research was aimed at solving as a problem: How to perfect the process of evaluating the preparation of the Cuban triathlon team? for this, theoretical, empirical research methods and descriptive statistical procedures were applied. The application of this intentional sampling is random and non-probabilistic and allowed selecting a
sample of 109 triathletes. The results of the statistical processing carried out allowed us to characterize the behaviour of the competitive result of the world elite triathletes that can serve as a reference model of performance for both competitive distances. The determination of the potential brand from the simple regression equation between the Olympic triathlon brand and sprint showed that the world elite of the Olympic triathlon corresponds to results below the hour with fifty minutes, with a standard deviation of 4 minutes and fourteen seconds and the range of amplitude of the results is tendentially located between the 45 minutes and the 54 minutes. In the case of sprint triathlon below 54 minutes in a dispersion environment over the plus / minus two minutes and 24 seconds and the amplitude range is between 51 minutes and 20 seconds and 56 minutes and 10 seconds.


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How to Cite
López-Rojas, Ángel M., Quintana, A., de la Paz Arencibia, L., Ranzola-Ribas, J. A., & Gutiérrez-Zambrano, J. G. (2018). The behavior of lactatemia and heart rate during efforts with intensities of competitions in the running of the triathletes of the National Team of Cuba. Sport and Science, 3(1), 22–38.
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Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte ‟Manuel Fajardo” La Habana. Cuba.

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