A Theoretical-Methodological Conception of Innovation through Scientific-Technical Services

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Yuri Torres Acosta
Inalvis Mengana Osorio
Hirbin Manuel Dopico Pérez
Eudis Milán Leyva


Introduction: Science management based on innovation in high-performance sports constitutes a present-day priority. This paper derives from an initial diagnostic that unveiled the scientific problem: How to contribute to introducing innovation in high-performance sports in the context of Guantanamo?
Aim: To design a theoretical-methodological conception based on an innovative methodology through scientific and technical services that promote high-performance sports in Guantanamo province, with a novel integrating and renovated approach.
Materials and methods: Several theoretical, empirical, mathematical, and/or statistical methods were used in this study. The population consisted of 32 coaches and 31 directors, totaling 62 individuals.
Results: A higher commitment was observed to the introduction of innovation in high-performance sports. The innovation category system's relations were identified with the implementation of special scientific and technical services.
Conclusions: The theoretical-methodological conception proposed confirmed its theoretical and practical usefulness to address the problems associated with the introduction of this innovation, with a particularly novel approach and set of categories designed to seek systematic and continuous insertion depending on its horizontal and vertical articulation that rely on innovation principles established to achieve that end.


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How to Cite
Torres Acosta, Y., Mengana Osorio, I., Dopico Pérez , H. M., & Milán Leyva , E. (2023). A Theoretical-Methodological Conception of Innovation through Scientific-Technical Services. Sport and Science, 8(3), e208. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2023.V8.No3.009
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