A Methodological Strategy to Optimize the Snatch Technique in Junior Weightlifters

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Malena Giomara Flores Santamaria
Ruben Castillejo Olan


Introduction: This study deals with aspects associated with the knowledge of the snatch technique by junior weightlifters, considering the existence of methodological shortcomings that affect their performance.
Aim: To design a methodological strategy to widen the existing knowledge of thesnatch technique in junior weightlifters.
Materials and methods: The research was based on theoretical methods. Analysis and assessment of information sources through the procedures of logic thinking (analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction; as well as empirical methods (survey and observation). The information was statistically processed.
Results: The results from the practical validation of the proposal showed their pertinence and effectiveness, as there were significant differences in all the aspects evaluated during the research study.
Conclusions: The methodological strategy to optimize the snatch technique of junior weightlifters contributed significantly to the teaching of this technique by the junior athlete coaches.


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How to Cite
Flores Santamaria, M. G., & Castillejo Olan, R. (2022). A Methodological Strategy to Optimize the Snatch Technique in Junior Weightlifters. Sport and Science, 7(3), 63–74. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2022.V7.No3.005
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