Methodological guide to foster integration in the investigative labor practice of sports in the 5th year of the career of physical culture

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Yaimara Peña-Peña
María Esther Michel-Torres
Luciano Mesa-Sánchez


The present article was materialized with the objective of offering a guide that guides the procedure to advance in the integration of knowledge in the Labor Investigative Practice of Sport, from the own methodological work. Considering that this is the work that is done in the educational process, supported in the didactic, with the purpose of the optimal results, which starts in the first place of the labor instruction in the instruction, for the purpose that arises in the study plan, which is proposed through a set of influences in the training process for the transformation of the student's personality to achieve qualitatively higher levels in their integral pedagogical professional performance. In this regard, the methodological work of year 5, is specified in its plan, in the application and deepening of the different teaching tools that materialize the quality of the educational process, in order to achieve the proper integration of research with research activity and work, as well as tasks of high social impact and other tasks of an extracurricular nature that students meet. In this sense, in the Investigative Work Practice the fundamental activities are designed with their respective oriented bases that respond to one of the deficiencies declared in the methodological plan of the year.


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How to Cite
Peña-Peña, Y., Michel-Torres, M. E., & Mesa-Sánchez, L. (2019). Methodological guide to foster integration in the investigative labor practice of sports in the 5th year of the career of physical culture. Sport and Science, 4(1), 61–72.
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