Chinese Go strategies for the development of strategic business thinking in students

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Lazaro Antonio Bueno-Pérez
Lisset de la Caridad Bueno Figueredo


At present, there are great differences between the oriental culture that has developed a conception of strategic problems that differs qualitatively from the predominant one in the West. On the other hand, the oriental strategic tradition finds
its most succinct presentation in the work attributed to Sun Tzu, "The Art of War", which are transferred through strategies to the sport of go. In the present work, the game strategies are compared to access the oriental strategic conception applied to the business management, which bases its inclusion as an optional sport in the university within the Physical Education program in the first two years of the different careers and especially to model strategic thinking, as part of the comprehensive training of future business managers.


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How to Cite
Bueno-Pérez, L. A., & Bueno Figueredo, L. de la C. (2018). Chinese Go strategies for the development of strategic business thinking in students. Sport and Science, 3(2), 75–91.
Artículos Originales


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