Enhancing Quick Strength Effectiveness in Discus-Throwing Para-Athletes, F-56

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Andris Salvador González Nobal
Francisco Núñez Aliaga
Gonzalo Girado García Camejo


Introduction: Physical Culture professionals offer significant contributions to high-performance sports by implementing didactic and other associated sciences. Hence, this research focused on the results of enhancing quick strength effectiveness in discus-throwing para-athletes (F-56).
Aim: To assess the effectiveness of a set of general and particular exercises to enhance quick strength in para-athletes in the area of discus throwing (F-56 category), who suffer from spinal cord injury, to raise their sports results.
Methods: In that sense, several theoretical, empirical, and statistical-mathematical methods were used. The study was done between 2020 and 2021, using a sample consisting of six male para-athletes (the total population representing this event), who met the technical requirements for the sport but had insufficient muscular strength.
Results: The set of exercises suggested to increase the muscular strength of para-athletes in the study, as part of their physical training, led to an increase in strength levels, based on a methodological rationale for satisfactory planning of the different types of preparation, which included the proper methods, contents, and means.
Conclusions: The general and special physical preparation exercises for the strengthening of the motor disabled athletes in the research were based on a methodological basis that allowed the trainer to plan the work of the different types of preparation correctly, with the methods, contents and means for their development.


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How to Cite
González Nobal, A. S., Núñez Aliaga, F., & García Camejo, G. G. (2023). Enhancing Quick Strength Effectiveness in Discus-Throwing Para-Athletes, F-56. Sport and Science, 8(3), e4417. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2023.V8.No3.004
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