A System of Technical-Tactical Training to Enhance the Bilateral Execution of Tokui-Waza

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Joel Bernardo González Guerrero
Carlos Alberto Enrique Muñiz


Introduction: Improvements in the technical and tactical quality of judo competitions, along with an increase in athlete activities and variety, make training more demanding and comprehensive. One element to consider as part of the training is the execution of technical-tactical actions with the possibility of executing themselves on both sides of the body, depending on the situation faced and the opponent's conditions, with a great competitive arsenal by the athletes.
Aim: To design a technical-practical training system that improves bilateral execution of Tokui-Waza, based on the experiences of pedagogic practice, and psychophysiological aspects that influence laterality as a training process.
Method: The proposal was presented to a group of specialists who offered their assessment for further implementation. Methods and techniques like analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, documentary analysis, measurements, observation, interview, systemic approach, and expert opinion were used.
Results: The diagnostic of the population selected revealed the existence of issues in relation to the knowledge of aspects related to the bilateral execution of Tokui-Waza and their importance as a technical-tactical resource.
Conclusions: The technical-tactical training in judo, particularly when executing the Tokui-Waza, is an essential element for good results.


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How to Cite
González Guerrero, J. B., & Enrique Muñiz , C. A. (2023). A System of Technical-Tactical Training to Enhance the Bilateral Execution of Tokui-Waza . Sport and Science, 8(3), e66. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2023.V8.No3.010
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