Cognitive Restructuring and Psycho-Educative Techniques for Athlete Emotional Control

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Leonardo Eliecer Tarqui-Silva
José Ernesto Garcés-Mosquera
Jean Carlos Indacochea-Mendoza
Sinthia Elizabeth Rivadeneira-Arregui


Introduction: The planning of competition-based sports and high performance requires the development of the athlete’s mental capacities to have a determining significance in the results. Among the techniques used, cognitive restructuring stands out.
Aim: The purpose of this paper was to demonstrate the benefits of cognitive restructuring and learning psycho-educative techniques for athlete emotional control.
Methodology: This research relied on an experimental case study involving an underage athlete. All the ethical parameters demanded for this study were fulfilled. The subject was a 13-year-old female climbing athlete. The psychological tests used were POMS, Pelletier motivation, and CSAI-2R. The psycho-educative interventions were performed twice a week (50 min), during a two-month planned microcycle.
Results: The Profile of Mood States (POMS) resulted in a low score regarding the core item, which led to personal exploration and, simultaneously, ended with a psychological and sports assessment through the CSAI-2R pre-competitive anxiety test, which identified 65 % cognitive anxiety, and 88% somatic anxiety.
Conclusions: The differential results from the POMS and CSAI-2R tests indicated low psychological scores. This intervention process was an emotional containment tool in this particular case study.


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How to Cite
Tarqui-Silva, L. E., Garcés-Mosquera, J. E., Indacochea-Mendoza, J. C., & Rivadeneira-Arregui, S. E. (2023). Cognitive Restructuring and Psycho-Educative Techniques for Athlete Emotional Control. Sport and Science, 8(2), e4330.
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