Proposal of indicators for the Basketball sports selection at the ages of 10-12 years

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Liusvan Eduarte Aguila
Julio Miguel Gallardo Fines
Janette Lucia Velazco Guelmes


Introduction: the research addresses the existing problem related to the insufficient use of methods, means and indicators for basketball sports selection at the grassroots level.

Objective: to propose indicators for the Basketball sports team in the province of Cienfuegos at the ages of 10-12 years.

Material and methods: theoretical and practical methods were used that contributed to the compilation of the indicators used for this process and for the preparation and validation of the proposal made. Basketball coaches from the base, with significant results and with work experience, as well as Physical Education teachers and experienced coaches, were taken as a sample.

Results: the proposal brings together indicators for selection such as: physical, physiological, psychological, social context and technical aspects based on the characteristics at these ages and the objectives for primary education, including the family and the Physical Education teacher. In the consultation with the experts of the six indicators analyzed and validated by the experts, four were shown to be in the category of very suitable for 66.6% and two as quite suitable, for 33.3%.

Conclusions: the correct proposed design was demonstrated from theory, as well as that the proposal of indicators provides coaches at the base with an appropriate tool for the selection of talents in the province for the sport of Basketball at the indicated ages.


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How to Cite
Eduarte Aguila, L., Gallardo Fines, J. M., & Velazco Guelmes, J. L. (2024). Proposal of indicators for the Basketball sports selection at the ages of 10-12 years. Sport and Science, 9(3), e269. Retrieved from
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