Exercises adapted for the inclusion of pregnant adolescents in the Physical Education class
Main Article Content
Introduction: Early pregnancy is a situation faced by educational, health and family systems in the Latin American region and is characterized by not only biological, but also social and economic consequences, including isolation and rejection.
Objective: to propose an adapted physical exercise program that contributes to the process of including pregnant adolescents in the Physical Education class.
Materials and Methods: A qualitative approach research was presented on a population of 18 pregnant adolescents distributed in six educational centers in the city of Guayaquil. The six directors of the centers, the six Physical Education teachers and two obstetricians were also interviewed. Scientific observation and interviews were used to collect information.
Results: The students under study did not practice any physical exercise on a regular and planned basis, they were not integrated into Physical Education classes, they were only oriented to research work during those hours and they felt isolated and rejected by both family and friends. Physical Education teachers have not received orientation and training for working in classes with pregnant women. The proposed program contains activities to contribute to the physical exercise of pregnant women, following the guidelines of physicians, which was validated for its application by expert criteria.
Conclusions: The Adapted Exercises program is suitable for including pregnant students in Physical Education classes and benefiting their health.
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