Pilates for Balance Improvements in the Elderly

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Jennyfer Gabriela Rivadeneira Arregui
María Gabriela Romero Rodríguez
Andrea Estefanny Sánchez Gadvay
Pedro Fernando Caicedo Cobo


Introduction: In Ecuador, the practice of Pilates has helped the elderly reduce the rate of falls, improving balance. It has demonstrated its effectiveness and encouraged the older population to use it. This method is not well known, though it has recently gained importance thanks to the physical fitness levels provided by therapists.
Aim: To analyze the effectiveness of flexibility exercises based on Pilates for the eldery.
Methods: The BERG test, consisting of 14 items, was used to measure static balance and dynamics; it also helps prevent the risk of falling in older age adults. This study comprised 30 advanced age adults, 13 men and 17 women.
Results: Proper application of Pilates maintains or improves the balance of older adults, allowing them to have autonomy to perform everyday activities without the assistance of other people.
Conclusions: Although the effectiveness of Pilates has been demonstrated to improve balance, there is little knowledge and experience among therapists in the application of this method, considering that in addition to rehabilitation, it is a proper exercise alternative that contributes to mental, physical, and emotional balance.


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How to Cite
Rivadeneira Arregui, J. G., Romero Rodríguez, M. G., Sánchez Gadvay , A. E., & Caicedo Cobo , P. F. (2023). Pilates for Balance Improvements in the Elderly. Sport and Science, 9(1), e219. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2024.V9.No1.001
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