Benefits of Field Tennis for Upper Limb Burn Therapy in Children

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Juan Nicolás Soriano Justiz
Alexis Rafael Macías Chávez
Yuleisy Fonseca Diaz


Introduction: Children are vulnerable to burns. The utilization of sports as therapy increases the physiological indicators and rehabilitation effectiveness.
Aim: To examine the effect of motor actions in field tennis as a therapeutic alternative for the recovery of motor functions in burned children's upper limbs.
Materials and methods: A pre-experimental design study with minimum control was done for twelve weeks between January and April 2023. The sample was selected according to a non-probabilistic stratified intentional sampling. From a total population of 8 children with burns, 5 met the inclusion criteria and performed adapted motor actions used in field tennis. The data were processed through SPSS 28.
Results: The results showed statistically significant changes in the sample about the motor functionality of the upper limbs, pain when moving, muscle strength issues, and movement limitations. All the subjects achieved higher indicator values.
Conclusions: The motor actions in field tennis can be used effectively for therapy in the recovery of motor functionality of the upper limbs of burned children.


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Soriano Justiz, J. N., Macías Chávez, A. R., & Fonseca Diaz, Y. (2023). Benefits of Field Tennis for Upper Limb Burn Therapy in Children. Sport and Science, 9(1), e207.
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