Teaching Karate at Early Ages through Games

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Mercy Alexandra La Torre Sanchez
Yuri Douglas Barrios Palacios


Introduction: Games develop focus, imagination, training, and respect for the rules of sports. They also help karate-do athletes to become acquainted with the basic techniques (Tachi Waza) of this sport, which is the scope of this paper.
Aim: To accomplish the game level in training lessons of karate-do at the Tejar UEB athletes.
Method: The methods and techniques used contributed to the implementation of the proposal in the study sample.
Results: The favorable results helped back the proposal; the test results were interpreted and a games guide was designed to improve the Karate-Do techniques.
Conclusions: Ludic activities favor the active and flexible participation of children in early karate-do practice.


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How to Cite
La Torre Sanchez, M. A., & Barrios Palacios, Y. D. (2022). Teaching Karate at Early Ages through Games. Sport and Science, 7(3), 46–62. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2022.V7.No3.004
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