A Diagnostic of Recreational Soccer Practice for 11-12-Year- Old Children during their Leisure Time

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Gutiérrez Cruz Gutiérrez Cruz
Yury Douglas Barrios Palacios
Fernando Cedeño-Alejandro
Luigi León López


Introduction: This study is part of a community project between the University of Guayaquil and the Non-Governmental Organization Norwegian Alliance Mission, in Ecuador. It engages with vulnerable and low-income sectors in Guayaquil, whose work stems from a diagnostic of the physical, technical, and anthropometric conditions of adolescents in Trinidad de Dios, Monte Sinai.
Aim: To diagnose the physical, technical, and anthropometric status of 11-12-year-old children in the community of Monte Sinai, Guayaquil, for recreational soccer practice.
Materials and methods: The empirical methods used were measurement and survey, the Bangsbo sprint test, 10 x 5 speed test, the ball-carrying test, and the Body Weight Index (BWI).
Results: Several considerations for the practice of soccer during the leisure time of the age group studied.
Conclusions: There is high motivation to perform sports activities during the leisure time, along with a priority especially oriented to soccer practice, which favors the implementation of a project for the recreational practice of the sport by the group of individuals in the study.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Cruz, G. C., Barrios Palacios, Y. D., Cedeño-Alejandro, F., & León López, L. (2022). A Diagnostic of Recreational Soccer Practice for 11-12-Year- Old Children during their Leisure Time. Sport and Science, 7(2), 103–116. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2022.V7.No2.008
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