A Didactic Training Alternative for Losing Markers in Junior Handball Players

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Reiniel Iván Loyola Fernández
Luciano Mesa Sánchez
Yaimara Peña-Peña


Introduction: One of the tactical factors in handball is to try to gain free space during the game, facilitating the evolution of plays, or keeping ball possession.
Aim: To design a training alternative didactics to lose the markers in junior handball players in the municipality of Vertientes.
Materials and methods: the population was made of handball players of the two sexes in the municipality of Vertientes. The theoretical methods used relied on logical thinking, whereas the empirical methods included observation and survey, as well as mathematical statistics to determine the empirical distributions of frequency.
Results: A didactic alternative was designed, which complements and optimizes the traditional methods and procedures of losing the markers, based on the relationship between the structure of concentric circles of content, the principles, and tactical problems to be considered when attacking, as well as the pedagogical principles.
Conclusions: The users considered that the proposal improves the loss of markers, and can be implemented during player initiation.


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How to Cite
Loyola Fernández, R. I., Mesa Sánchez, L., & Peña-Peña, Y. (2022). A Didactic Training Alternative for Losing Markers in Junior Handball Players. Sport and Science, 7(2), 62–73. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2022.V7.No2.005
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