Set of activities for the development of motor skills in blind and visually impaired children

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Magalis Arrate-Hernández
Alexis Isaac-Danger


This teaching material suggests a set of activities to stimulate gross motor skills of visually impaired children. The study included a sample of 6 children with a diagnostic of low vision. The subjects were 2-5 years old, in pre-school education at the Antonio Suarez Dominguez School in Santiago de Cuba. The methods and techniques were theoretical (analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, and systemic-structural); empirical (observation, questionnaire, and interview); and statistical (percent analysis, tables, and graphics), which permitted the authors to determine the initial state, and corroborate the effectiveness of the system of activities to stimulate the gross motor skills of these children at the end of the study. The results were validated for two consecutive academic courses. Upon the pedagogic pre-experiment, the evidence showed the positive impact of gross motor skills on the group of visually impaired children in the study as an important way of  preparing for the school life.


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How to Cite
Arrate-Hernández, M., & Isaac-Danger, A. (2022). Set of activities for the development of motor skills in blind and visually impaired children. Sport and Science, 7(1), 103–115.
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