The improvement of the teaching-learning process of Chess of the category 10-11 years

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Hayde Maria Reyes-Joa
Darvin Manuel Ramirez-Guerra
Lázaro Antonio Bueno-Pérez


The learning of the chess from the first ages is one of the aspirations of the Cuban nation that today extends at all the educational levels. Keeping in mind the masification of this sport so much limitations in a material way has been seen as in the preparation of the children and educational of this sport and in consequence those of the municipality. With the result that he/she takes as problem: How to favor the process of teaching-learning of the chess in the category 10-11 years of the municipality of Urbano Noris? Since at the moment in her it is not had a didactic strategy that favors the process of teaching-learning of this sport. In consequence the objective of this work is: To elaborate a didactic strategy
to favor the process of teaching-learning of the chess. It is used as fundamental methods: the experimentation on the land and the modelation through which significant results were obtained. The auxiliary means "World 64" derived of the investigation he/she makes possible its reproduction likewise allows the creation of other according to its creator's own necessities, because recycled materials of easy acquisition are used for all.


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How to Cite
Reyes-Joa, H. M., Ramirez-Guerra, D. M., & Bueno-Pérez, L. A. (2020). The improvement of the teaching-learning process of Chess of the category 10-11 years. Sport and Science, 5(1), 19–31.
Artículos Originales


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