Structured constitutive alloy, a type of fitness training in soccer

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José Manuel Morejón-Rodríguez
Osvaldo Javier Martín-Agüero


There are substantial differences between one type of methodology or another of training, mainly due to the way of planning and imparting the contents, the tasks and the control of its effectiveness. In Cuba, due to the characteristics of the competitive system and the participation regime, it is difficult to achieve a multistructural and harmonious development of soccer players using only methods that respond to one methodology or another independently. This article aims to present Structured Constitutive Alloy training as a training alternative for the development of physical condition in soccer players. This type of training is the result of studies carried out by sports professionals of the characteristics and needs of Cuban soccer and the existing methodologies in the world of soccer to advance in the development and maintenance of the physical condition of soccer players. For the investigation, methods are used, such as analysis-synthesis, logical
historical, inductive-deductive and document analysis. The results show the advantages of Structured Constitutive Alloy training as a type of training that adjusts to the characteristics of the General Identity Game Model of the province, to the preparation for competition, as well as to the game system with its respective model and tactical drawings; it also adjusts to the individual characteristics of the footballers, their position and function within the system and the game model.


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How to Cite
Morejón-Rodríguez, J. M., & Martín-Agüero, O. J. (2019). Structured constitutive alloy, a type of fitness training in soccer. Sport and Science, 4(1), 112–125.
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