Women ́s training in the in the middle distance runners, menstrual cycle and currents needs

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Andrea Selene Aguilar-Macias
José Ignacio Ruiz-Sanchez


The introduction of women in the middle distance running, has been possible thanks to the constant search for changes in the relationship between women and high-performance in the sport , thereby establishing the bases of the process of female sports training; however, there are needs that the feminine physiology demands. Objective: to describe how sports training has been in female middle distance runners and to explain the need to include the menstrual cycle in female sports training. Development: there are morphological, physiolo gical and psychological peculiarities in the female gender, for this reason in the runners; the menstrual cycle represents most of the symptoms that affect athletic performance. The fluctuation of a normal cycle is 28 days with variations between 20 and 38 days, with significant changes in relation to weight, heart rate, volume of oxygen and hemoglobin in blood in addition to mood changes and increased fatigue at certain times of the cycle. This confirms the need to investigate the effects of the menstrual cycle on sports training and on how athletes and coaches can use it for a double benefit. Conclusions: Nowadays women in the middle -distance running, train in the same way as men, without taking into account the physiological characteristics of the gender . It is advisable to include the variations of the menstrual cycle in the planning of female physical activity.


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How to Cite
Aguilar-Macias, A. S., & Ruiz-Sanchez, J. I. (2019). Women ́s training in the in the middle distance runners, menstrual cycle and currents needs. Sport and Science, 4(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2019.V4.No1.001
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