Biomechanical indicators in the launching of the hammer for the training of high competition athletes

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Elizabeth Armas-Hing
Domingo Jacob-Piña
Maritza Salomé Garlobo-Figueredo


In the pedagogical context, the control of the training guides the work in favor of the quality and the obtaining of satisfactory sport results. In line with the current needs in Cuba, the multidisciplinary groups that influence high-performance sport have been created, which is why a Scientific-Technical Training strategy was developed that conceives the work of advising and biomechanical studies to the committed national teams with participation in the Olympic cycles. The objective of this research is to analyze the behavior of the hammer biomechanical indicators in high competition athletes during training; The purpose of this study was to develop a table of indicators to organize the information that allows the evaluation of the sports technique based on biomechanical criteria that allow to improve the quality in the training of one of the events of athletics, the throwing of the hammer. Specifically, a study of relevant values ​​was developed to achieve a high sporting result and the stability of the technique that these hammers have, finding that there are numerous indicators with little mastery of the technique, good results in the angle of exit of the implement in male hammer throwers, good starting height and stability in the angular velocity reached by the 4 athletes with the longest stay in the national team.


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How to Cite
Armas-Hing, E., Jacob-Piña, D., & Garlobo-Figueredo, M. S. (2018). Biomechanical indicators in the launching of the hammer for the training of high competition athletes. Sport and Science, 3(2), 34–48.
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