Atención físico terapéutica a las manifestaciones motoras en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson

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Luís Alexander Zaldívar Castellanos
Darvin Manuel Ramirez Guerra
Yusleidy Marlie Gordo Gómez
Milagros La Rosa Arias


Introduction: Neurodegenerative diseases are the main cause of physical-motor disabilities, such as Parkinson disease. Despite the advances in health, this disease does not have a definitive cure; some of the main treatments include physical rehabilitation, with a neuroplasticity perspective. However, there is a trend to use conventional physical exercise instead of traditional forms, thus putting aside the potentialities of the latter.
Aim: To set methodological parameters in traditional therapeutic exercises that enable better physical therapeutic care of patients with Parkinson disease.
Materials and methods: The research has prospective, quasi-experimental, quantitative character practices in five patients (age 61±2.53 years), with a diagnostic of Parkinson's disease (stages 1-2.5, according to Hoehn-Yahr), accounting for 20.8 % of the population.
Results: After four months of implementation, the patients were observed to get up, walk, and sit again in less time, with a mean of 12.6±2.96s. An assessment of the Berg scale showed that 80.0% of the sample reached the low-falling-risk category, with a total score of 47.6±5.12 points.
Conclusions: The application of statistical methods (Wilcoxon signed-rank test) demonstrated the existence of a significant difference between the measurements performed, thus confirming the positive effect of Lian Gong's practice in patients with Parkinson's disease.


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How to Cite
Zaldívar Castellanos, L. A., Ramirez Guerra, D. M., Gordo Gómez, Y. M., & La Rosa Arias, M. (2023). Atención físico terapéutica a las manifestaciones motoras en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson . Sport and Science, 8(3), e4412.
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