A Study of Counterattack Behavior of the Junior Male Handball Team in Villa Clara, Cuba

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Pedro Andrés Contreras Alfonso
Jorge Abundio González Pascual


This research consisted of a study of the behavior of the counterattack actions in handball, and to diagnose the behavior of counterattack actions of the junior male handball team of Villa Clara during the competitions. A comparative analysis with the international state of the art in this category was conducted, which evidenced low efficacy in the execution of counterattacks by the team during the games. Different methods, like bibliographic review, were conducted to unveil the existing background about counterattacks in handball. Scientific observation was performed in 15 training sessions and games to identify the treatment and efficacy of counterattack. Coaches and players were interviewed to check their preparedness for a counterattack. A documentary review of the handball training manuals was conducted as well. Consequently, several counterattack issues were found in the guidelines of the Comprehensive Program for Athlete Training, the training plan, and the methodological procedures of the course. Besides, low absolute and relative efficacy values were found in the different games observed. The study found the need for a change in the conception of the relative methodological procedures linked to counterattack teaching, in the junior male handball team of Villa Clara, Cuba.


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How to Cite
Contreras Alfonso, P. A., & González Pascual, J. A. (2023). A Study of Counterattack Behavior of the Junior Male Handball Team in Villa Clara, Cuba. Sport and Science, 8(2), e4381. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2023.V8.No2.009
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