Anthropometric index and its relationship with vertical jumps and muscle power in basketball players
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Introduction: 3x3 basketball has grown in popularity in recent years, its game format is very intense and demands strength and muscular power. Vertical jumps are essential in various game actions such as blocking, shooting or recovering the ball.
Objective: to analyze the anthropometric status and its relationship with body mass index, as well as vertical jump capacity and muscular power in 3x3 university basketball players from Central and South America.
Materials and methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted. 48 basketball players (26 men and 22 women) aged 18 to 24 from 8 countries were evaluated. A Tanita scale, SECA height gauge, and AXONJump contact platform were used. The jumps used were: Squat Jump, Countermovement Jump and Abalakov jump.
Results: the average weight for men was 85.8/kg and for women 64/kg; the average height was 1.85/m for men and 1.66/m for women. BMI was 25.0 kg/m² and 23.0 kg/m² for men and women, respectively. Jump height and power Squat Jump: men 32.4/cm with 2530w and women 21.7/cm with 1340w, Countermovement Jump: men 33.5/cm with 2587w and women 23.9/cm with 1209w and Abalakov jump: men 40.9/cm with 2961w and women 26.1/cm with 1451w.
Conclusions: male players present better results in both height and power. The body mass index allows us to understand that greater muscle mass and less fat mass favor muscle power. In addition, age influences the decrease in jump height and power.
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