Dermatoglific profile in scholar athletes of Camaguey

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Yadira Edilma Vélez Camargo
Leandro Efraín Martínez Laguna


Every person was born with certain predisposition to the different physical and coordinative capacities. An anthropometric indicator that has —according to the international literature— high correspondence with the genetic pattern are the dermatoglifos, however, in the Sports SchooI Cerro Pelado of Camaguey, Cuba are unknown the dermatoglific characteristics of its athletes, for that reason they cannot valorate completelly the potentialities, neither to do an adequate projection according the demands of each sport. For that reason, the objective of this work is to determine the dermatoglific profile in school athletes of Camagüey, Cuba. To solve all said before were determined the dermatoglific 174 athletes to whom the dermatoglific formula was applied and the amount of lines between other variables. Since the analysis of the results, the 57 % presents high general genetic predisposition for the practice of exercises, the 29 % media predisposition and the 14 % with low predisposition. It is recommended to establish correlations between physical tests and dermatoglific profiles, as soon as to establish the dermatoglific profiles athletes of the high level, that serves like a pattern for the selection in the different sports.


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How to Cite
Vélez Camargo, Y. E., & Martínez Laguna, L. E. (2016). Dermatoglific profile in scholar athletes of Camaguey. Sport and Science, 1(1), 17–24.
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