Theoretical conception for the training of figures in school artistic swimming

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Liudmila Hernández Soutelo
Erva Brito Vázquez
Noelis Durades Manzano


Introduction: the present article was written to detect theoretical-methodological and practical inadequacies in the process of technical preparation of school artistic swimming. Aim: to elaborate a theoretical conception with a new way of restructuring the content for the training of the figures, based on their periodization, which favors the increase of sports performance in artistic swimmers of the school category.

Materials and methods: the analytical-synthetic and systemic-structural functional methods were used as theoretical methods of scientific research. As empirical methods, documentary analysis and expert judgment were used. As mathematical-statistical methods, descriptive and inferential statistics, with Kendall's W test.

Results: the quality of the theoretical conception was corroborated by the evaluation issued by the 15 experts selected, who were directly related either to sports training or in particular to the training of Cuban artistic swimming.Conclusions: experts in the evaluation of the indicators highlight their functionality, relevance and feasibility.



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How to Cite
Hernández Soutelo, L., Brito Vázquez, E., & Durades Manzano, N. (2024). Theoretical conception for the training of figures in school artistic swimming. Sport and Science, 9(2), e240.
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