A Gender-Approach-Based Biomechanics of Junior Female Karate Athletes in Cienfuegos, Cuba

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Ana Margarita Torres Águila
Juan Carlos Zamora Alambarrí
Omar Peña López


Introduction: Biomechanics is one of the most demanding activities, when human movements are studied in sports, as the proper scenario to improve research skills with the comprehensive preparation of university students and society. In Cuba, research is done to implement changes in the existence of inequalities between men and women, as several studies deal with the gender approach in the sports context.
Aim: To study the flexibility of junior female karate athletes in Cienfuegos, with a gender approach, to enhance student research skills as part of the scientific group of students at the Bachelor Degree of Physical Culture and Sports.
Methods: This research study was conducted with a qualitative approach, using theoretical methods like the historical-logical and documentary analysis; the empirical method used was structured interview of female athletes engaged in combat sports.
Results: This work showed an improvement in research skills. The students played a key role in the enhancement of kicking techniques, and greater flexibility of junior karate athletes in the study.
Conclusions: The biomechanical analysis conducted by the members of the scientific group of students showed enhanced research skills in Sports Biomechanics.


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How to Cite
Torres Águila, A. M., Zamora Alambarrí, J. C., & Peña López, O. (2023). A Gender-Approach-Based Biomechanics of Junior Female Karate Athletes in Cienfuegos, Cuba. Sport and Science, 8(1), e4311. https://doi.org/10.34982/2223.1773.2023.V8.No1.006
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