Exercises for Self-Perception Neuromuscular Facilitation to Enhancing Flexibility of Junior Artistic Swimmers
Main Article Content
Introduction: The practical usefulness of the self-perception neuromuscular facilitation technique is an advantage for the development of flexibility, as it permits higher movement extent of joints during training. However, in artistic swimming, the procedures and components of this technique are insufficient.
Aim: To design a set of exercises to enhance flexibility in artistic swimmers using self-perception neuromuscular facilitation techniques through active and passive stretching to improve the physical capacity of junior athletes.
Materials and Methods: The theoretical methods used were the analytical-synthetic and the systemic-structural-functional; the empirical methods were documentary review and practical pedagogic test. The statistical-mathematical procedure used was descriptive statistics.
Results: The set of exercises implemented included the scapulae-humeral and coccygeal and femoral bone, due to the broad influence of these joints in the technical work, using the stretching method.
Conclusions: The practical results showed a much faster and more harmonious progress to develop flexibility as a physical capacity.
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