Sistema de ejercicios, para mejorar la capacidad del ritmo de las danzas folclóricas ecuatorianas
Main Article Content
Introduction: Dancing at early ages helps children develop body control, improve coordination, balance, reflexes, and spatial control, while developing psychomomtricity, harmony, and focus.
Aim: To determine the exercise system applied to improve dance movements in the group of children selected for this study.
Materials and methods: The sample included 15 subjects, 100% of the dance students between 11 and 13 years of age, at the Juan Emilio Murillo, Landin Educational Facility, in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Results: The data from the three tests (torso movements, falling time, and the roll) were analyzed through the Shapiro Will. The pre-test and post-test showed that after the three tests to the set of exercises, there was a significant reduction of errors in the pre-test, compared to the post-test.
Conclusions: The results of the Wilcoxon rank test were used to corroborate the significant differences between pre-tests and post-tests 1.4 and 5, caused by the implementation of the proposal (P 0.02 < 0.05). This result confirms the efficacy of the proposal implemented.
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