Indicators to Evaluate Technical Offensive Elements of 3x3 11- 12-Year-Old Basketball Athletes

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Abdel López Mursuliz
Yaimara Peña Peña
Carlos Alberto Govea Macías


Introduction: Basketball today needs parameters for the assessment of technical offensive elements.
Aim: To suggest parameters for the assessment of technical offensive elements of 3x3 basketball athletes in the e11-12-year-old category, in Camagüey.
Materials and methods: The research methods used were theoretical, empirical, and statistical, which demonstrated the current shortcomings of the assessment process. The parameters were designed according to the practice, from previous experiences, showing a close interrelation to the variables and dimensions, whose universal attributes are objectivity, a systemic character, flexibility, and adaptability, and they are feasible, viable, and valid solutions.
Results: The findings of this research coincide with previous studies done by other authors, who suggest multiple assessment variables that condition player tasks and learning one way or another, using a substantial set of pedagogical and
organizational variables
Conclusions: The surveyed professionals said that the parameters suggested are a feasible, viable, and valid solutions for the development of technical offensive elements in 3X3 basketball athletes in the 11-12-year-old category, since the introduction of assessment that is based on a system’s approach, integrate into the variables used for assessment, the dimensions suggested, and the way of controlling and assessing.


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How to Cite
López Mursuliz, A., Peña Peña, Y., & Govea Macías, C. A. (2022). Indicators to Evaluate Technical Offensive Elements of 3x3 11- 12-Year-Old Basketball Athletes. Sport and Science, 7(2), 142–156.
Artículos Originales


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