Ludic Activities to Develop Basic Motor Skills in Physical Education Students

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José Geovanny Boza Mendoza
Danilo Charchabal Pérez


Introduction: The contents in this article on ludic activities enabled the optimization of basic motors skills in Physical Education classes, including varied activities that will help enhance motor movements of the subjects in the study.
Aim: to validate a system of ludic activities for optimizing the basic motor movements of 6th graders at the Alemán Humboldt Guayaquil school.
Materials and methods: This research consisted in a descriptive-correlational study of two independent groups (Control group: ten students, and experimental group: ten students). The control group was under the traditional system of
participation in ludic activities, whereas the experimental group was given a new variant of ludic activities. Previously, a theoretical validation of the intervention proposal was made by 15 national and international specialists, who assessed four indicators (Validity “V”, Integrability “I”, Accessibility “A”, Variety “Va”).
Results: Upon the analysis of every parameter, the W Kendall test revealed a level of concordance among high-level specialists (w=0.376), with significant differences of the individual scoring by parameter analyzed. The asymptotic significance level (p=0.001˂0.05), showed a high level of concordance among specialists, in relation to the qualities of the ludic activity system.
Conclusions: The ludic activity system suggested for the development of basic motor skills is pertinent, and should be applied in other Physical Education classes.


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How to Cite
Boza Mendoza, J. G., & Charchabal Pérez, D. (2022). Ludic Activities to Develop Basic Motor Skills in Physical Education Students. Sport and Science, 7(2), 46–61.
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