Strategy for the implementation of the p roject “Ahedres ta bai den bario” in Aruba

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Lázaro Antonio Bueno-Pérez
Nisdalys Figueredo-Trimiño
Ángel Félix Díaz-Montano
Darvin Manuel Ramírez-Guerra


Context: In the massification of chess requires both material and human resources to optimize their results. Objective: The objective of this work was to develop a strategy for the implementation of the "Ahedres ta bai den barrio" project (in Papiamento: chess goes to the neighborhood) on the island of Aruba. Methods: In the design and optimization of the strategy, the research is carried out in the neighborhood centers and in the traimeria institutions of Aruba, with a population of 214 children attended, from which a non-probabilistic sample was selected intentionally of 107 of the groups of 6 to 9 years and of 9 to 12 years of boys and girls which represents 50%; of the total population. An experiment was carried out to evaluate the impact of the strategy on the acquisition of chess content, with a completely randomized design, to evaluate its effect during the period from October to December 2018. Results: as a result the main difficulties and strengths in the chess teaching process were detected, it was demonstrated that the application of the strategy improved the level of knowledge and skills in the initiation of chess. Conclusions: the strategy is feasible and I achieve the objectives of this first stage of application.


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How to Cite
Bueno-Pérez, L. A., Figueredo-Trimiño, N., Díaz-Montano, Ángel F., & Ramírez-Guerra, D. M. (2019). Strategy for the implementation of the p roject “Ahedres ta bai den bario” in Aruba. Sport and Science, 4(2), 90–101.
Artículos Originales


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Ramírez-Guerra, D., Bueno-Pérez, L., & Gordo-Gómez, Y. (2016). La capacitación en el proceso de masificación del ajedrez en las comunidades urbanas / The role of training in the process of spreading chess in urban communities. Ciencia Y Deporte, 1(2), 56-71. Recuperado a partir de

Ramírez Guerra, D. M. (2017). La masificación del Ajedrez en las comunidades urbanas. Tesis de Doctorado. Facultad de Cultura Física de Holguín, Cuba.

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