About the Journal
About the Journal
a) Focus and scope
b) Thematic profile
c) Publication frequency
d) Adherence to International Declarations
e) Section policy
f) Peer review process
g) Open Access policy
h) Open Science policy
i) Interoperability protocol
j) Self-archiving policy and digital preservation of information
k) Policy on prior publications and presentations at events
l) Authorship declaration and best practices
a) Focus and scope
CIENCIA y DEPORTE (Science and Sport). Is a journal attached to the Faculty of Physical Culture of the University of Camagüey "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz", Cuba; Open Access and Peer-Reviewed - online version ISSN 2223-1773, certified by the System of Certification of Scientific and Technological Serial Publications, and registered in the National Register of Serial Publication under no. 2776, Folio 159, Volume III.
Mission: to stimulate, disseminate and develop original scientific knowledge in the sciences of Physical Culture and Sports, through the publication of original articles based on the execution of research by professors, athletes, coaches and researchers who make significant and novel contributions; wishing that those who access this publication find scientific solidity and informative accessibility through a pleasant language that allows for exchange between the scientific community of Cuba and the world.
Vision: to achieve visibility and informational coverage in the dissemination of scientific results, which allow for its projection as a reference journal in the field of applied sciences, Physical Education, Sports, Recreation and Physical Culture in general.
The publication language of this journal is Spanish and, starting in 2022, the journal Ciencia y Deporte publishes all articles in both Spanish and English, with metadata also including Portuguese. This new model reflects efforts towards internationalization and the dissemination of its content.
Its articles are edited in HTML, PDF and XML formats in both Spanish and English, easy to access and download. It can be accessed online on the main website of the University of Camagüey, with its current URL being: https://cienciaydeporte.reduc.edu.cu/index.php/cienciaydeporte
The journal is committed to the Open Science model and its different manifestations by accepting preprints, data sharing, codes, methods and other materials used as a result of the research processes, as well as the progressive opening of the peer review process.
b) Thematic Profile
- Sports Training.
- Talent Selection.
- Sport for All.
- Physical Education.
- Physical Activity for Health.
- Sports and Environment.
- Therapeutic and Prophylactic Physical Culture.
- Leisure and Recreation.
- Training of Physical Culture Professionals.
c) Publication Periodicity
The journal has been published without interruption since 2016 with a semi-annual frequency. From 2021 onwards, it appears with a quarterly frequency, adopting a steady publication flow by issues, which will be open at the beginning of each quarter and closed at the end. Articles will be published in a steady flow or in small batches throughout this period until the issue is closed and a new issue opens at the beginning of the new quarter:
- January to April, Issue 1.
- May to August, Issue 2.
- September to December, Issue 3.
d) Assignment to International Declarations
Ciencia y Deporte magazine is committed to open access, to good ethical practices related to research, authorship and scientific editing, which is why it promotes compliance with the following statements in the various stages involved in the publication process:
-Open Access: Science and Sport adheres to the Budapest open access statements; Bethesday Berlin.
-Research Integrity: Science and Sport adheres to the Singapore Declaration on Research Integrity
-Ethics of Publication and Publishing: Science and Sport adheres to the principles and practices defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), “Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing”.
-Authorship policies: Science and Sports adheres to the authorship principles established by the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT).
e) Section Policies
Original Article
This is a report that communicates the results of a research project for the first time, and it is subject to peer review.
Review Article
This is an article that examines the findings related to the state-of-the-art of one of the thematic areas covered by the journal. It is subject to peer review.
Letter to the Editor
This usually refers to topics addressed in articles published in the journal. The editors reserve the right to edit letters regarding their length and style.
These are articles commissioned by the Editorial Board that express criteria on a current scientific topic or situation. They may or may not be related to the content of the issue of the journal where they are published. Their length will not exceed 1500 words. They may include bibliographical references.
This section publishes articles of great interest that constitute a challenge for the future, and it is subject to peer review.
f) Article Evaluation Policy
Conditions for acceptance of materials:
This journal, in accordance with the new requirements for Open Science development, uses open peer review practices as a mechanism to promote transparency in the editorial and scientific communication process.
The Journal promotes open research data and encourages authors to publicly share the data used in their research, thus facilitating sharing, reuse, and evaluation.
Article evaluations consider the following:
- Alignment with Journal Scope: Materials must align with the thematic profile of the journal.
- Methodological and Content Quality: Rigorous methodology and high-quality content are essential.
- Novelty and Presentation Quality: The topic should be novel, and the presentation must be of high quality.
- Relevance and Currency of References: References must be current, relevant, and follow the APA 7th Edition guidelines. https://normasapa.in/
The Ciencia y Deporte evaluation process adheres to basic scientific publication standards and follows these steps:
Preliminary Review: Compliance with journal regulations and suitability for the thematic profile.
Double-Blind Open Peer Review: All reviewers hold a PhD or Master's degree in Science. In 100% of cases, at least one reviewer is a PhD holder. Both reviewers are recognized experts in the field of physical activity and sport, from institutions independent of the editorial team and our institution.
Timeframe: The process from submission to acceptance takes fourteen weeks.
Article Approval: Editorial Review: The Editorial Direction approves articles based on reviewers' feedback.
Corrections: Authors revise their articles based on reviewer suggestions, and those revisions are verified to ensure adherence to reviewer criteria. Evaluations are conducted impartially and rigorously with the collaboration of internal and external academics, researchers, and specialists (including international reviewers).
Editing and Styling: The article undergoes editing, correction, and stylistic adjustments.
Translation: Metadata, style, and grammar are reviewed for both languages.
Quality Control: The article is formatted for publication.
Final Approval: The Editorial Board exclusively approves the final publication of the article.
The average time between submission and publication ranges from 14 to 20 weeks.
g ) Open Access Policy
Ciencia y Deporte is an open access journal that provides free access to all its content. It is based on the principle that this form of access contributes to the socialization of scientific knowledge, promoting global knowledge exchange. Authors of scientific articles can submit their work completely free of charge. These submissions will undergo peer review, editing, and publication under this same principle.
This journal embraces the Open Science model in its various manifestations: acceptance of preprints, sharing of data, codes, methods, and other materials used and generated during research processes, as well as the potential for progressively open peer review.
The journal operates under the CreativeCommons license (CC) 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International, which allows for sharing (copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format) and adapting (remixing, transforming, and building upon the material) with the condition that the author is credited and no commercial use is made of the materials.
This license explicitly restricts commercial use of the content, as defined by the Budapest Declaration, which can be consulted at: Budapest Open Access Initiative's Definition of Open Access.
h) Open Science Policy
Pre-publication and Preprints: Ciencia y Deporte will not consider any research article that has been published – even on academic networks or institutional repositories – or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. However, the journal accepts articles that have been initially published on recognized preprint servers (MedRXiv, ArXiv, PubMed Central; SciELO Preprints) as a "green route" for science communication.
Data Openness: Ciencia y Deporte promotes open research data and encourages authors to publicly share and reference the data used in their research through specialized servers (Xenodo, DataCite, SciELO Data [https://data.scielo.org/] (https://data.scielo.org/)). This facilitates data sharing and reuse, promoting research transparency and credibility.
Open Peer Review: In line with the principles of Open Science, the journal uses open peer review practices as a mechanism to promote transparency in the editorial and scientific communication process. Authors have the option to suggest potential reviewers for their articles and directly interact with the reviewers responsible for evaluating their papers.
i) Interoperability Protocol:
The journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface. This protocol is used for transmitting metadata on the internet, enabling other portals and information services to access the metadata of published content. The standardized format schema used is Dublin Core.
OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0
Dublin Core Metadata
Harvesting Route: https://cienciaydeporte.reduc.edu.cu/index.php/cienciaydeporte/oai
j) Self-Archiving and Digital Preservation Policy of Information
- Backups: Three periodic backups are conducted to ensure the preservation of data stored on the servers of the University of Camagüey "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz". The main node of the institution has two backups, and the third backup is stored on an external server at the Information Center.
- Technological Environment Monitoring:The technological environment is constantly monitored to anticipate potential migrations from outdated formats or software that could affect the accessibility of digital objects.
- Use of DOI:The journal uses Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) to facilitate the unique and permanent identification of its content.
k) Policy on Prior Publications and Presentations at Events
Ciencia y Deporte will not consider any original research paper or component of a research paper that has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Theses or dissertations are not considered prior publications. The publication of research articles on non-profit preprint servers such as SciELO Preprints, arXiv.org, bioRxiv.org, ChemRxiv.org, medRxiv.org, and similar platforms is recognized.
Distribution on the internet in other forms may be considered prior publication and may compromise the originality of the article as a submission to a scientific journal. While manuscripts are under peer review, they should not be published in any instance. If any press coverage is made in relation to the content of the manuscript, it is recommended that it be done after the paper is published.
In any case, the editorial board reserves the right to accept or reject the manuscript for its editorial process.
Policy on Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Authors will declare in their research if there are any conflicts of interest regarding the presented research results and will be responsible for the information provided. The declaration of conflict of interest is a section within the scientific article.
Policy on Ethical Violations
The journal uses plagiarism detection systems to analyze all contributions received without exception.
This journal adheres to all international best practice initiatives in scientific publishing and uses the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) algorithms to resolve all cases of misconduct in scientific publishing.
Policy on Plagiarism
The review and editing team implements procedures to identify and prevent the publication of materials that are found to contain inappropriate conduct, including plagiarism, manipulation of citations, and falsification of data, and encourages reviewers and authors to share responsibility for this requirement.
Anti-plagiarism checks will be conducted during the review and editing process to detect the use of external texts without the corresponding citations in the references. Anti-plagiarism software and technological resources are used to identify this issue. If evidence of plagiarism is observed during review, the author will be notified and the article will be immediately rejected.
Policy on Fees and Advertising
Ciencia y Deporte does not charge any processing or publication fees for articles. This means that the editing and publication of contributions are completely free for authors, and the content is free of charge available immediately after publication. It is accessible freely and universally, without any cost to the reader. (More information at: http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/translations/spanish-translation)
Similarly, the peer review process is conducted without any remuneration for reviewers. Finally, the journal does not engage in any commercial or profit-making activities and does not accept or host commercial advertising for any product, person, or service mentioned in the journal.
Copyright Notice
In accordance with its open access policy, Ciencia y Deporte adheres to the above regarding the use of published content. This content can only be used in the creation of other texts by third parties when explicit recognition of the original authors is made, no profit-making interests are involved, and the new text is published under the same license.
Submissions require the transfer of copyright through the copyright transfer form under the following terms:
- The author commits not to submit the work for consideration by other publications.
- Copyright is transferred to the journal.
- The transfer of copyright is non-exclusive.
This transfer of rights implies the author's authorization for the work to be placed on other sites or databases for use; for the translation of the entire text or part thereof into other languages for the same purpose of dissemination; for the creation of adaptations or summaries of the original article content; and for the inclusion of versions in the original language or translated versions, even under another title, in repositories and other databases.
Through the originality letter, authors formally declare the originality and novelty of their text, and its exclusive submission to this journal. They assume full responsibility for the ideas and criteria expressed; they agree that the submission will be subject to peer review and be subject to amendments; and they express their agreement with the deadlines established in the "peer review" session.
l) Authorship Declaration and Good Practices
To: Editorial Board of Ciencia y Deporte Journal
Title of Work:
Declaration of Originality and Novelty of the Work:
This work is original and unpublished. It has not been submitted and will not be submitted to any other journal for publication, unless it is rejected.
None of the data presented in this paper has been plagiarized, fabricated, manipulated, or distorted.
Original data is clearly distinguished from previously published data.
The original sources upon which the information contained in the manuscript is based are identified and cited, as well as theories and data from other previously published works.
The origin of figures, tables, data, photographs, etc., previously published, is properly cited in the article, and the necessary permissions for their reproduction in any medium are provided.
Consent has been obtained from those who have contributed unpublished data obtained through verbal or written communication, and this communication and authorship are properly identified.
The people who sign this document have provided:
- Substantial contributions to the conception and design.
- Substantial contributions to the acquisition of data, its analysis and interpretation.
- Drafting the article or critically reviewing the intellectual content.
- Final approval of the version proposed for publication.
- No signature responsible for the work has been omitted, and the criteria for scientific authorship are met.
Data Collection and Interpretation of Results:
The authors of this work have avoided making errors in their experimental or theoretical design, in the presentation of results, and in their interpretation. In the event that they discover any errors in the article, before or after publication, they will immediately alert the Journal Director.
The results of this study have been interpreted objectively. Any results contrary to the point of view of the signers are presented and discussed in the article.
All sources of funding granted for this study are acknowledged, indicating concisely the funding agency and the identification code.
Acknowledgments mention individuals who have collaborated in the development of the work but are not included in the authorship section and are not responsible for the preparation of the manuscript.
Conflict of Interest:
In the observations section, the signatories of the text inform of any commercial, financial, or personal ties with individuals or institutions that may have interests related to the proposed work.
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest with respect to this text.
Rights and Distribution
The journal Ciencia y Deporte distributes the online version of the article under the terms of a CreativeCommons license (CC) 4.0. (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.
Lead and Corresponding Author: ____ Signature: __________________
Co-author: _________________________
Signature: __________________
Co-author: ___________________________
Signature: __________________
Co-author: ___________________________
Signature: __________________
University of Camagüey “Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz”, Cuba.