Ciencia y Deporte Vol. 8. No. 2, May-August 2023, p. e4161

Original article

Translated from the original in spanish



A System of Technical-Tactical Actions to Enhance Combined Attacking in Judo


Sistema de acciones técnico-tácticas para el mejoramiento de los ataques combinados en el judo


Sistema de ações técnico-tácticas para a melhoria dos ataques combinados no judô


Yadier Eusebio Galindo García1* , Carlos Alberto Enrique Muñiz1


1University of Camagüey "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz", Faculty of Physical Culture. Cuba.


*Corresponding author:




Introduction: The methodology of teaching judo should engage all stages of education; the more updated it is, the greater the teacher's mastery.
Aim: To design a system of technical-tactical actions to enhance combined attacking in judo.
Materials and methods: Theoretical, empirical, and statistical-mathematical methods were used. The theoretical and methodological assumptions that back the technical-tactical preparedness process in junior categories, and the characteristics of present-day competition.
Results: The training system to enhance the effectiveness of combined attacking in Tashi-waza was validated for implementation.
Conclusions: The execution of combined attacking is an essential element to achieve satisfactory results in judo competitions.

Keywords: Combined attacking, technical-tactical preparedness, Tashi-Waza.


Introducción: La organización metodológica de la enseñanza del judo debe abarcar todas las fases del trabajo docente educativo, mientras más actualizada sea esta, mayor será la maestría del profesor.
Objetivo: Consistió en elaborar un sistema de acciones técnico-tácticas para el mejoramiento de los ataques combinados en el judo.
Materiales y métodos: Se emplearon métodos del orden teórico, empírico y estadísticos matemáticos, se realizó un análisis de los presupuestos teórico-metodológicos que sustentan el proceso de preparación técnico-táctica en la categoría escolar y las características de la competición en la actualidad.
Resultados: Se consideró el sistema de preparación elaborado para mejorar la ejecución de los ataques combinados en el Tashi-waza como válido para su aplicación.
Conclusiones: La ejecución de los ataques combinados constituye un elemento esencial para la obtención de buenos resultados de la competición de judo.

Palabras clave: Ataques combinados, preparación técnico-táctica, Tashi-Waza.


Introdução: A organização metodológica do ensino de judô deve cobrir todas as fases do trabalho ensino-educacional, e quanto mais atualizado for, maior será o domínio do professor.
Objetivo: Consistia em elaborar um sistema de ações técnico-tácticas para a melhoria dos ataques combinados no judô.
Materiais e métodos: foram utilizados métodos teóricos, empíricos e estatísticos matemáticos, e foi feita uma análise dos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos que sustentam o processo de preparação técnico-táctica na categoria escola e as características da competição no momento atual.
Resultados: O sistema de preparação elaborado para melhorar a execução de ataques combinados no Tashi-waza foi considerado válido para sua aplicação.
Conclusões: A execução de ataques combinados é um elemento essencial para a obtenção de bons resultados na competição de judô.

Palavras-chave: Ataques combinados, preparação técnico-táctica, Tashi-Waza.


Espinosa, M; Santana, J., and González, A. (2018) defined the teaching of judo as a complex phenomenon due to its multifactorial composition that enhances the integrated development of all the aspects that determine performance and favors the long-term training success.

In that sense, the methodological organization of teaching judo should engage all stages of education; the more updated it is, the greater the teacher's mastery. Hence, students will be capable of moving from the basic knowledge of techniques to the special systematic training that ends up in sports development (Barcelay, 2020).

In that sense, among the technical-tactical aspects that define the actions of judo athletes are combined attacking or Renraku-Waza. Assuming the description of García (2008), combined attacking is the capacity of a competitor to put several technical elements from simple to more complex, depending on the opponent's reaction or variability during the attack (Kikai). Hence, it is one of the most complex actions of combat, which joins techniques and tactics as one.

Other researchers, such as Negrón and Ávila (2017), have worked on the aspect of tactical preparedness. They have referred to the execution of projecting techniques in transition positions, which has been dealt with before on very few occasions. It is, somehow, the combined execution of technical elements conditioned by the position of the competitors during the competition.

Although the previous elements have been studied, research has fallen short to cope with this issue in terms of technical-tactical preparedness in judo training, particularly, the execution of combined attacking.

Accordingly, this research aims to conduct a more detailed study based on the results observed in the technical tests and the training combats, which brought about the following shortcomings:

Therefore, the purpose of this research study was to design a system of technical-tactical actions to enhance combined attacking in judo.



The population of the study was comprised of 14 athletes, including 6 females and 8 males in the 13-14-year-old category, from the Cerro Pelado Sports Starter School (EIDE), in Camaguey. The sample selection was intentional, with the team in the national junior competition, in 2018. Various surveys were performed, by which teachers, executives, and athletes in the province expressed their opinions. A technical test was made to check the level of combined attacking execution. Expert opinion was assessed to validate the design of the training system.

Actions included in the technical-tactical-training system

Action No. 1. Determination of the theoretical mastery of technical-tactical aspects of combined attacking.

It was done following the diagnosis of teaching planning that permits judo athletes to participate in the activities according to their potentialities, and their previous knowledge.

First action: Stimulation of the cognitive structures.

Procedures: First, the questions are asked indirectly, and the students express their knowledge of the theoretical aspects of combined attacking. These questions are asked before the practical test.

Second step: Determination of the execution mastery of unbalancing the opponent (motor dimension).

Second action: The technical test.

Procedures: the technical tests consist of attacking in a combined manner. The athlete will choose the combined attacking form, based on a particular tactical situation.

Third action: Talks, didactic video presentation, and joined analysis of technical-tactical scenarios where combined attacking is executed.

Methodological guidelines:

· The teacher will lend special attention to the stimulation of reflexive analysis by the students, motivating them to provide real-analysis-based responses, depending on the situations of combat.

Action No. 2 Execution of special exercises of individual attacks, and throws (Tandoku-renshu).

Objective: to throw (Tandoku-Renshu) is one of the various techniques that intervene in combined attacking, depending on the Kiu level.

Methodological guidelines:

Action No. 3 Execution of special exercises of paired attacks (Kakari-Geiko) without Uke opposition.

Objective: to initiate the different techniques that may intervene in combined attacking, depending on the Kiu level, without Kiu opposition.

Methodological guidelines:

Action No. 4 Execution of special exercises of paired attacks (Kakari-Geiko) with Uke opposition.

Objective: to initiate the different techniques that may intervene in combined attacking, depending on the Kiu level, with Kiu opposition.

Methodological guidelines:

Action No. 5 Execution of combined attacking depending on Uke reaction (dodging).

Objective: To execute combined attacking as a reaction to dodging Uke.


Methodological guidelines:

Action No. 6 Execution of combined attacking depending on Uke reaction (confronting) and pre-determined actions.

Objective: To execute predetermined combined attacking as a response to Uke confronting.


Methodological guidelines:

Action No. 7 To execute randori with specific tactical tasks.

Objective: To perform randori with pre-set tasks and situations.

Tori combats with repeated attacks and Uke for defense. It lasts 2 minutes.

Methodological guidelines:

General methodological guidelines for the application of actions that integrate the training system.

  1. The actions will take place from the beginning of training. It will require the existence of judogis for every athlete.
  2. The actions suggested will be applied in the same order they are described in the report; hence, no variations must take place, as they have been placed logically, one step at a time, progressively.
  3. The technical part of the proposal will be dealt with throughout the training cycle, with a higher emphasis on the special training stage.
  4. The working time of the exercises will depend on the time percentage allocated for the technical-tactical training during the special training sessions and the pre-competitive stage.
  5. Based on the data collected in the control, and as the final element of the evaluation and feedback phase, a new action project should be designed to tackle the new shortcoming detected.
  6. To add the combined attacking proposal to the individual plan tasks.



To design the system of actions suggested, various preceding related research studies were reviewed. Méndez (1998) claimed that in terms of combinations or combined attacking, judo prefers to use technical combinations to try and project the opponent since a single move limits the possibilities of success. Hence, they define the technique of chaining based on two different approaches assumed in this paper.

  1. As a continuation of another movement, following an attack that has been stopped, and from a new scenario.
  2. As a feint move that causes a reaction in the opponent, whose response has already been foreseen.

Ramírez, D. P. and Ramírez, D. C. (2011), presented a group of actions to favor tactical training development of judo athletes, which are mainly recommended for the initiation of contact, such as Tori and Uke, depending on the grip and their interrelation with the postures held.

Meanwhile, Pardo (2016) suggested a group of special and specific exercises for technical training in Tashi-waza. Though the author states that they are intended for technical training, they are relevant in that they bear the variant of possible technical executions, as they not only take into account Tori, but also Uke, possible grips, pendulum execution, as well as combined two-sided work.

This system of actions embodies several criteria about the pedagogical actions of the coach. In that sense, Rodríguez (2018) noted that "to make a successful transition through all the stages of judo athlete formation through mastery, it is essential to conduct work using a logical and systemic order". Therefore, pedagogical guidance constitutes an essential element for coaches that conduct the teaching-learning process in this sport, from the early ages through the higher categories of high performance.

Moreover, Denis (2019) suggests a methodological alternative of tactical training based on sub-direction, which contains different dimensions, such as organizational, intellectual, volitive-affective-motivational, and attitudinal, which, somehow are referents for the design of the system of technical-tactical actions suggested, which includes these essential indicators for judo athlete training, with the features of this combat sport, as well as the combat situational variants, associated with judo athlete behavior.

Gras and Reyes (2021) defined a pattern to evaluate the execution of combined attacking based on,

In that sense, the concept of link and basic techniques during the execution is used as a reference. However, the previous proposal also considers the inclusion of Tokui-Waza as a final or projection technique, part of the combination.

Overall, 56 combats were observed, during the training sessions, in matches, and in the national junior championship (2018), and the results of the technical test in the competition were evaluated. The results are shown below:

A total of 8 training sessions were included in the observation, which showed the following.

Poor planning and exercise sessions to train combined attacking, particularly Tashi-Waza; deficient utilization of specific judo aids for technical-tactical work; poor student-teacher analysis of the theoretical aspects associated with combined attacking; and the possible technical-tactical scenarios that lead to them.

Theoretical assessment of the training system through specialist opinion.

Upon the selection process of the possible specialists, 16 were observed to qualify in that group, including the provincial judo director, the head of the commission, the head of EIDE judo department, three judo teachers at the Faculty of Physical Culture, ten EIDE coaches, and the basic link working with the category.

Aspects of the system to be evaluated:

Five categories were used to evaluate the aspects of the system described: very adequate, quite adequate, adequate, little adequate, and inadequate. One round of the Delphi method was used, depending on the outcomes of the expert opinion survey, whose satisfaction was high, thus corroborating that specialists regard this system as very adequate and functional (Table 1).

Table 1 - Outcome of the specialist opinion survey

Legend: P: Average; N-P: Least specific overall average of every aspect.

The Kendall W. concordance coefficient was calculated as well, to measure the concordance degree of specialist responses, as shown in Table 2. Accordingly, there was concordance in the responses given about the evaluation indicators, since W reached 0.9, with a 0.00 < 0.01 significance, thus demonstrating that concordance was not casual (Table 2).

Table 2 - Kendal concordance coefficient

Following the determination of concordance between the responses given by the 16 specialists, the training system suggested to enhance the effectiveness of combined attacking in Tashi-waza was validated for implementation.



The analysis of theoretical assumptions led to the conclusion that the execution of combined attacking is an essential element to achieve satisfactory results in judo competitions.

The diagnosis revealed the absence of proper knowledge related to combined attacking, as seen in the poor execution of this technical and tactical component.

The training system was designed considering the aspects that define present sports training, the characteristics of sports teaching today, and the particularities of judo competition nowadays.

The specialists regarded the training system as very adequate.



Barcelay-Sayú, A. (2020). Acciones metodológicas para mejorar la efectividad del Ashi-waza en los judocas categoría 11-12 años. Cultura Física y Deportes de Guantánamo, 10(19), Art. 19.

Gras-Consuegra, Reyes-Palau, N. C., & amada-Cruz, Y. (2023). Control técnico-táctico de combinaciones en el nague-waza del judo. Revista Arrancada.

Denis, E. (2019). Proceso de entrenamiento de la táctica en los judokas masculinos de la categoría 15-16. Revista Cultura Física y Deportes de Guantánamo, 9.

Espinosa Mildestein, M., Santana Lugones, J. L., & González Pascual, J. A. (2019). Exigencias del combate de judo para la etapa de iniciación del judoka. Conrado, 15(66), pp. 54-58.

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Méndez-Giménez, A. (1998). El pensamiento táctico en el judo: Un proceso generado desde la etapa inicial mediante el juego. Revista digital Lecturas de E. F. y Deportes, 11.

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Rodríguez-Vázquez, G. A., & Rondón-Sosa, Y. (2018). Ejercicios para perfeccionar la toma de decisiones de las judokas juveniles de Santiago de Cuba. Maestro y Sociedad, 15(1)..

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Conflict of interest statement
The authors declare no conflicts of interests.


Author contribution statement:
The authors have taken part in the redaction of the manuscript and analysis of the documents.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial Share Alike 4.0 International License
Copyright (c)
2023 Yadier Eusebio Galindo García, Carlos Alberto Enrique Muñiz